Tuition & Fees

Cost of Tuition & Fees

Use the Tuition Calculator to see a breakdown of tuition and fees by semester for your college/program, academic career level, and residency.

Program Fees & Differential Tuition

ABOR Approved Program Fees & Differential Tuition.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Lists the average resident and nonresident expenses you are likely to incur during the academic year (fall and spring semesters).

Fees Schedule

List of fees by semester assessed to students in addition to tuition.

College Fees

Additional amounts charged to students in all graduate or undergraduate academic programs in a college, school, or division.

Excess Units Surcharge

Semester breakdown of the Excess Units Surcharge for students who have accumulated 145+ units without a degree.

Special Course Fees

List of courses that have a higher cost for delivering instruction.

Courses Related Expenses

Courses with required expenses other than traditional books and supplies that exceed $75.