Graduate Assistant Benefits

The Graduate College manages the Graduate Assistance/Associate Manual and provides information that a student, faculty, or staff member would need to know about Graduate Assistant/Associate (GA) appointments at the University of Arizona.

For questions or concerns regarding Graduate Assistant/Associate appointments, contact the appointing department first. If they are unavailable, or they are unable to assist, then please contact


As stated in the Graduate Assistance/Associate Manual, a GA who is appointed during the Fall and/or Spring academic semesters will receive a reduction in the tuition amount which is dependent on Full-time Equivalent (FTE), enrollment, and dates of the appointment contract. The University of Arizona will cover the single student Campus Health insurance premium charges for a GA during their appointment.

GA benefits DO NOT cover fees, program fees, differential tuition, or any other fees charged by the University for specific programs.


Students needing to delay payment of any remaining tuition, fees, and or program fees can enroll in the GA Deferment Plan. GAs enrolling this plan must do so the business day before classes start to avoid Late Charges.

How to Prevent Late Charges for Pending GA Benefits

If the GA benefits haven't been disbursed to the student account, the student must:

  1. Verify that all appointment requirements are complete
  2. Deduct the amount of expected GA benefits from the current account balance and pay the remaining balance by the Tuition Payment Deadline
  3. After paying the portion the student is responsible for, the Graduate College may be able to place a Pending Grad Award (GPA) indicator on the student account to prevent the Late Payment Charge from being assessed