What is the Guaranteed Tuition Program?
The Guaranteed Tuition Program is the University of Arizona commitment to provide students with a constant tuition rate and mandatory fees, as set by the Arizona Board of Regents for eight (8) continuous semesters (summer and winter sessions excluded), beginning with the term of an Undergraduate student’s initial enrollment on the Main Campus.
What is the purpose and benefit of the Guaranteed Tuition Program?
The purpose of the Guaranteed Tuition Program is to help make the cost of a college education more predictable for students and their families. The benefit is that it protects students and their families from sudden spikes in tuition and enables them to estimate and budget for college expenses more accurately.
Who qualifies for the Guaranteed Tuition Program?
The Guaranteed Tuition Program rate applies to Undergraduate students - resident or non-resident, freshman or transfer - who enroll in a bachelor’s degree program (or second bachelor’s degree) on the Main Campus.
Undergraduate students on the Main Campus who do not qualify for the Guaranteed Tuition Program are students who have completed their ten semesters with the guaranteed rate(s), non-degree seeking students, students currently active in the WUE, students currently receiving the Arizona High School 150% Undergraduate Resident rate, and other specifications listed below.
Do I have to sign up for the Guaranteed Tuition Program?
No, there is no special sign-up. Qualified students are automatically enrolled in the Guaranteed Tuition Program.
What if the first time I enroll is in the spring semester?
The student will pay the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate in effect for that academic year for eight (8) regular semesters.
What if I need more than eight (8) semesters to complete my degree?
Students needing a 9th or 10th semester to complete their degree would pay the same tuition as the students who first enrolled the following year. Students needing an 11th semester would pay the prevailing Non-Guaranteed rate in effect for that year. For example, students enrolled in Fall 2024 at the 2024/25 rate, but who do not complete their degree by Spring 2028 and had not missed two regular (fall/spring) semesters, would pay the 2025/26 Guaranteed Tuition Program rate for Fall 2028 (9th semester) and Spring 2029 (10th semester). Students needing an 11th semester, attending in Fall 2029, would pay the Non-Guaranteed Tuition rate for that 11th semester and beyond.
What if I need more than ten (10) semesters to complete my degree?
Students who have had continuous Main Campus enrollment but who have exhausted their allotted eight semesters plus two additional (9th and 10th) semesters at the subsequent Guaranteed Tuition Program rate would be assessed the Non-Guaranteed Tuition rate in effect in their 11th semester. However, students with excess earned credit hours (greater than 145) will be responsible for paying the excess credit hours surcharge in accordance with state law.
What if I am a part-time degree-seeking student?
Students who enroll as part-time, degree-seeking Undergraduates pay a pro-rated per-credit rate based on the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate. Students receive eight consecutive regular (fall/spring) semesters at the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate whether they are part-time or full-time.
What if I am a non-degree-seeking student (part-time or full-time)?
Undergraduate students not seeking a degree will pay the Non-Guaranteed Tuition rate established for that current year and for any new tuition increases for future years.
What if I start at the University of Arizona as a part-time degree-seeking student and then enroll full-time?
If you enroll as a part-time, degree-seeking Undergraduate, you will pay a pro-rated per credit rate based on the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate. You will have eight consecutive regular semesters at Guaranteed Tuition Program rate whether you’re part-time or full-time.
Does the Guaranteed Tuition Program include classes in the summer sessions or winter term?
No. The Guaranteed Tuition Program only applies to regular (fall/spring) semesters. If you choose to take classes in summer or winter terms, you will pay the per-credit rate approved for that term by the University of Arizona and Arizona Board of Regents.
What is the tuition rate for students who enroll and attend University of Arizona for the first time during the summer or winter?
Students who first enroll at University of Arizona in the summer or winter will pay the session rate in effect. When the student enrolls for fall or spring, the appropriate Guaranteed Tuition Program rate in effect for that semester will begin and continue for eight regular semesters.
I’m currently enrolled in high school but am taking University of Arizona courses. Does the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate apply to me?
No. High school concurrent students do not qualify for the Guaranteed Tuition Program. High school concurrent students pay the Non-Guaranteed Tuition rate established for that current year (typically less than the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate), and they are responsible for any new tuition increases in future years.
I am an Undergraduate international student. Does the Guaranteed Tuition Program apply to me?
International, degree-seeking students participate in the Guaranteed Tuition Program in the same manner as all other Main Campus Undergraduate students.
What if I need to take one regular (fall or spring) semester off for any reason?
Students who do not enroll at the University of Arizona for one regular (fall/spring) semester can retain their original Guaranteed Tuition Program rate; however, the non-enrollment semester does count as one of the eight regular semesters at that Guaranteed Tuition Program rate. The Guaranteed Tuition Program rate will not be extended a semester as a result of non-enrollment.
What if I need to take more than one semester off for any reason?
Students who do not enroll at the University of Arizona for more than one regular (fall/spring) semesters, without an approved leave, will forfeit their original Guaranteed Tuition Program rate. Students forfeit their original Guaranteed Tuition Program rate whether the missed semesters are consecutive or non-consecutive. Students will be re-evaluated and placed into the prevailing Guaranteed Tuition Program rate in effect at the time of their return to the Main Campus, and will have eight regular semesters at this rate provided they do not miss additional semesters.
What if I leave and need to be readmitted to the University of Arizona?
If you need to apply for readmission to the University of Arizona you will be re-evaluated and assessed the prevailing Guaranteed Tuition Program rate in effect at the time of your return to the Main Campus, and will have eight regular semesters at this rate provided you do not miss additional semesters.
What if I begin as a Sierra Vista Campus, Arizona Online, or Distance Campus student and then switch to the Main Campus?
Students who begin at Sierra Vista Campus, Arizona Online, or Distance Campus and then switch to the Main Campus will pay the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate in effect the semester they begin at the Main Campus. The student’s eight semesters begin the semester the student enrolls on the Main Campus as well.
What if I am academically disqualified?
Academically disqualified students who do not enroll at the University of Arizona for one or more regular (fall/spring) semesters will be responsible for the tuition rate in effect when the student returns to the Main Campus. Students will then have eight regular semesters at the new Guaranteed Tuition Program rate.
What if I need to withdraw from all my courses for a semester?
Students who officially withdraw from all of their regular (fall/spring) semester courses can retain their original Guaranteed Tuition Program rate if they re-enroll the next regular semester; however, the semester does count as one of the eight regular semesters at that Guaranteed Tuition Program rate.
Are transfer students eligible for eight consecutive semesters at the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate?
Yes. Regardless of the number of credits you transfer, you will have eight consecutive regular semesters at Guaranteed Tuition Program rate to complete your bachelor’s degree.
How does participation in study abroad or National Student Exchange affect someone paying the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate?
Students participating in National Student Exchange or Study Abroad with enrollment through the University of Arizona will retain their original Guaranteed Tuition Program rate. However, the semesters in which you are enrolled in these programs count toward your eight semester total.
Students who complete two or more consecutive regular semesters of exchange or study abroad by enrolling through an institution other than the University of Arizona will lose their original Guaranteed Tuition Program rate and will be placed into the prevailing Guaranteed Tuition Program rate in effect at the time of their return to the Main Campus. Students pursuing this course of study should work with an academic advisor to explore an Undergraduate Leave of Absence.
What if I have applied to graduate, but do not actually graduate until a later semester? What happens to my Guaranteed Tuition Program status?
You will have eight consecutive regular (fall/spring) semesters at the Guaranteed Tuition Program rate to complete your bachelor’s degree. If you need a 9th or 10th semester in which to complete your bachelor’s degree, you will pay the same tuition as the students who first enrolled the year after you. If you need an 11th semester, you will pay the Non-Guaranteed Tuition rate in effect for that year.
What if I start out in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program then switch to a different program, what tuition rate would I have then?
If the student drops out of their WUE status, then they would be enrolled in the Guaranteed Tuition Rate for their first semester they are without WUE. For example, if a student is in WUE for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024, but then decides to switch out in Fall 2024, the student would then become active in the Guaranteed Tuition Rate for Fall 2024.
How does this affect my scholarship?
The Guaranteed Tuition Program does not change the terms and conditions of your scholarship. For details about your specific scholarship, check the terms and conditions for your award or contact the
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
What if I am in the WUE program?
The Guaranteed Tuition Program does not apply to students in WUE status. Students receiving the special tuition rate for the WUE program pay 150% of the current Non-Guaranteed Resident tuition rate.
What if I am receiving the 150% of Undergraduate Resident Tuition Rate
The Guaranteed Tuition Program does not apply to Arizona high school-graduate students approved for the special tuition rate of 150% of the current Non-Guaranteed Resident tuition rate.
See details and qualifications on the Residency Classification Office’s website.
What if I have additional questions?
The Registrar's Office can answer questions about your Guaranteed Tuition. Contact the Registrar's Office at REG-reghelp@arizona.edu.
Contact the Bursar's Office for questions regarding Guaranteed Tuition costs or payments.